
Better Days – Vinyl LP

The chorus of “Better Days,” the hard-won title track of Mr Little Jeans’ long-awaited sophomore record, plays like a mantra. Monica Birkenes, the musician and songwriter behind Mr Little Jeans, sings with stoic conviction; atop militaristic, striving drum work, she forges forward towards self-empowerment. “I’m gonna undo,” she sings, “Watch as the mountain moves.” It’s a stark, clarified statement of intent, one which colors the entirety of Better Days. A record about destiny – how it fuels our lives, how we shape it, how it shapes us – Better Days is a testament to “moving the mountain,” to undoing the trauma and disgrace that life heaps upon each of us from a young age. It’s a record about fighting to get through and the sunlight that awaits on the other side. The definitive document by a pop artist whose absence has been sorely felt, it’s a testament to Birkenes’ strength as a songwriter and vocalist, an album defined by virtuosity and spirit.

Better Days - Vinyl LP

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